Past News updates

 I've been busy painting a chaoswarband for a friend and to 
enter into the GW chaoswarband contest to win a Khemri Army
box set.  I'll post pictures of it after the contest ends. I'm 
working on a Chaos Chosen model, and I've finally finished 
converting it.  Time to finish the base, prime and paint it before
the 7th!
 Also, Inge's site, Jenova Project, is online.  Go give it a look
and tell her what you think of it.  She's still working the bugs
out of it, but the major ones are taken care of.
I've uploaded a Griffon Inquisitor to my gallery.  First try with
using primo for making a rock base, and a decent attempt at
NMM steel.
I've uploaded my entry into Jason Moses Chick Challenge 3.
Its a Rackham model, Mira. She didn't place in her category
but it was a very talent filled category.
Added Jeff Wilhelms site to my links page.
Lots of cool stuff there :-)  Golden Demon winner, Garage kit modeller,
"how to make Bases 101" section and a painter for hire.  Go give him 
a buzz :-)
Added Scott Spiekers site, Voidgamers, to my links page.  Loads of
stuff there to check out.
I've added an article from Micky Leach (long time pro minipainter)
about how he paints with oil based paints in the guest tips section.
 Its Ramon Lann this time! He has sent me pictures of his UK GD 2002
entries, and his latest piece, a Celtos Elf he did in a monochromatic
style, with an excellent example of NMM chrome.
So, go check out his gallery and see his latest!
or just hit these links :-)
Slaanesh Lord
40k Inquisitor
Scratch built skaven model (its a biggun!)
Jason Moses has uploaded all the entries for his Chick Challenge III
A huge turnout, with a huge amount of finely painted (and some 
converted!) minis in a variety of categories.  Since there is no prizes
to be won (except for getting the top spots!) this is all for fun,
BUT, the voting is done by the public at large, from around the world.
So, I suggest you help make this a success and go HERE and check
out the work and vote on your favorites!  I did get an entry finished
in time for this contest, but I can't tell you which one it is until voting
is over (thats part of the rules of this contest)  Well, what are you 
waiting for? GO VOTE!! :-)
 I've uploaded some pictures of some models I did a couple months
ago.  Telemere, an Elf, and Some chick in platemail. (sorry, can't 
remember her name Reaper gave her)  Both models were experiments
with freehanding shield designs. Also, I uploaded a different picture
of my Minotaur.
 Did up a GW Bone Wizard Saturday night for a friend of mine.
The rock he's standing on is Primo molded from a Woodland
Scenics rock rubber mold.
 I've uploaded a flesh golem in my gallery. I've also finished working
on a 'Job's a good'un Boris' from Heresy minis. Soon, I will be painting
another Wolfen :-)
 Happy Halloween! To celebrate this holiday, I've painted up
a Female Vampire. I wanted to try something different painting her
and I think it came out looking interesting. I'll make a proper page
for her later, with a couple words on how I painted her and stuff.
 I uploaded a picture of Ramon Lanns single fantasy entry, his
Slaanesh Lord on foot. I also added His first attempt at doing
NMM Chrome on a model. He did this model many months ago,
I've just been lazy getting it uploaded. Make sure you check out
his gallery. Great work all aroundl, worth checking out!
 Patrick of The Artisians Edge emailed me last night about a 
link exchange. So, I go check out his site, and find some really nice
fantasy and sci-fi painted minis on his site. Also, he makes some kick
butt terrain. So, why are you still here?, go check him out! :-)
 Been adding to my guest tips section. Click HERE to go 
check it out. Some great stuff there :-)
Orclord has finished uploading his pictures of Games Day UK 2002.
All I can say is. Holy moley!  Check out the open category..then 
check them all out.  Amazing work.  Utterly Amazing.
 Updated my online stores page.  Added my local store.  They 
don't have a webpage (yet) but someone is working on it.
 I've uploaded my last 2 pieces, Tsuko (monk) and Tepes Trajan (vampire)
2 minis by Reapermins, both sculpted by Jim Johnson.
Both of these I painted this weekend.  I might toy around a bit more with
the vampire, since his armor is just asking for some freehand work....(hope I
don't mess it up!)
 Warning, Blatant advertising for my ebay auctions follows...
ok, once again, I'm selling off some of my stuff to help pay for this site and
to help me pay for some supplies. 
 Jason Moses is starting up his Female mini painting Challenge once again.
 To quote his site
  "For those who've not taken part before, the gist of the chick
challenge, of course, is that we paint female miniatures and submit 
them to this site, where they will be posted anonymously, voted on
by the Internet public at large, and the winners declared.  The fun
aspect of the challenge is to see a diverse collection of miniatures, 
representing every genre from high fantasy, to historical, to sci-fi, 
to steampunk, and beyond.  The only requirement for submission is
that the miniature must be a female (and in some cases, the simple 
assertion of the painter may need to suffice).
 So, go HERE and find out more!  Last year was a lot of fun, and this
year should better!
 I've updated the Minotaur from just a jpeg to a actual page. Click 
HERE to go check him out, now with more pictures!  I've also painted
an elf (which still needs some touching up) and converted Mira the reckless.
My plan is to have a little duel diorama, I hope I didn't bite off more
than I can chew on this recent project.  Also, I've uploaded a better
picture of my Beastmen.
 I've been busy painting lately, trying to finish this model before's Reaper Warlord contest deadline.  Its the Minotaur
of the Maze, on my first sculpted base.  I'm pretty happy with it.
 Its been 2 weeks already? man, i've been slacking. But, I have uploaded
my latest attempts, the contents of the Warlord Beastmen with Champion
blister from Reaperminis.  These were some fun models to paint (and 
some models I have absolutely no use for, I just wanted to paint them!)
So, they turned into some kind of experiment in paint recipes.
 Also, over at Flatliners he updated his site with a how he converted
his Confrontation Wolfen, Guardian of the Burial. To find the page, enter
his site, then click on the 'my miniatures' link.  His site is set up a bit 
different than most (no ads, btw!),
 I tried my hand at freehand once again. This time I painted Boris
the Black, from Reaperminis.  The cloak makes an excellent canvas
for freehand, since it is pretty flat and open. Click HERE to go check
it out.
 I've added another link to my list of minipainter sites. David of 
Warpaint studios has a site just chock full of finely painted minis
from a variety of manufacturers.
Oh, and I turned 38 yesterday.. yippee.
 Tim Kohlmetz has sent me a picture of the back of his Aenur.  Your saying
"whats so special about the back of a cloak? Well, he freehand painted
a dragon on the back that looks absolutly amazing. Click HERE to go check
it out!
 I've added a page about the brushes I use. Click HERE to go see my 
latest addition.
 Michael Jacobsen has written down some thoughts on how he made his
Dwarven Flying Ship and some ideas behind it. Also he did the same thing for his
Kemmlers Workbench.  Both pieces are award winners.  Always worth checking out.
As some people might know, GW recently finished their Canada Games Day. 
Loads of finally painted minis where brought from all over Canada, and the USA
to compete there.  But, Tim Kohlmetz (who won the gold in large monster)
has allowed me to show off his winning entry HERE. This model is just completely
twisted and shows a good amount of talent in sculpting and converting models.
Cheers to Tim on his win, and to his whacked imagination!
 I've added my first painted Reaper Warlord mini, Ashcrypt the Lich. Fun little
bugger to paint.
 I've also updated my 'For Sale' page with some pictures of my Thalos warband,
 My Battle Nuns, and a small Drazens warband.
Everyonce in awhile, I sell some painted minis of mine, so I can buy some more 
supplies, or even more minis. So, instead of sending them to ebay, I've decided
to sell some of my work here first. HERE is my For Sale page.  More details can
be found THERE. Thanks for looking :-)
 I've uploaded some of my most recent work. A Khorne Champion from GW and
Thorval the Black from Reaperminis. I'm pretty happy with each of them.
 I've been painting, really I have ;-)  I painted some Confrontation Skellies for 
Dave, and I'm working on a Reaper Fighter type guy. Reaper gave this guy a 
name, but does it really matter?  None of these models have been sealed yet
so any shiny spots are a result of the inks or future floor wax stuff I use to thin
my paints with.
I've uploaded pictures of the Razheem I painted for a birthday gift for James.
I painted the model using metallic paints and nothing like the studio paint job.
Click HERE to go see the living legend.
 Got to love summer for the great weather, and its ability to keep me
away from the painting bench...BUT, Michael Jacobsen sent me pictures
of his 1999 Games Day Germany Slayer Sword winner, Kemmlers Workbench
and his 1997 Games Day UK Open Category winner, Flying Ship.  Both works
of outstanding quality and imagination.
 I have only painted 3 models in the past month, and perhaps I'll post pictures
of Razheem I painted as a gift for James.  But, I do have a small horde of 
undead skeletons and zombies on my bench..
 Thanks goes out to Sam-man for pointing out I never linked up
my gold NMM article for the Red Lioness.  Complete with pictures
and examples.  Thanks Mate!
 I've updated my minipainter and online stores links page. I've added
Franz's site, Stuff of Legends and Western Plastics (makers of great
replacement bottles for paint pots).
 Either I'm slacking, or I've been busy..But I did make it to Games Day
this year, and I loaded up my camera with pictures.  Some I sent to 
Franz Meriles of Battlepaint studios and some (ok, A LOT!) I took for 
Richard aka OrcLord over at Stuff of Legends, Golden Demon coverage.  
There was a huge amount of superbly painted minis, and let me tell you, 
my camera got a work out! Also, this Games Day, besides being my first,
I was lucky enough to get behind the glass during judging to snap 
pictures of the entries.  I tried my best to get decent pictures and
to cover as much as possible, so I'm sorry if I missed anyone's entry.
Getting behind the glass to really see the entries was like being on
cloud nine. No scratched up Plexiglas baringmy eyes! So, I must
publicly thank James Humphries of the Virtual Alchemist, and 
Richard of Stuff of Legends for getting me in there, and naming me
their photographer along with Richard's son,Simon!! I had a great time!
 Wow, Its been awhile since my last update! Sorry, been busy with 
other things, like warm weather and the great outdoors :-)
 But, recently posted on the minipainter yahoo group, Sharon Villines
wrote her thoughts on glazes and washes, which she has given me 
permission to post HERE.
Also, I've posted a couple pictures of my ViC 7 model HERE. If you don't
know what ViC stands for, click HERE to go see the creators site. Also, 
while your there,go look at all the other ViC 7 entries. There is many
excellent entries.
 Michael sent me pictures of his War Giant this morning. An absolutely
HUGE model with more gobbo's hanging off him than you can shake a 
stick at. Click HERE to go check 'em out.
 2 updates in one day! I've finished work on another Wolfen, a hunter.
This one is different from the rest as he is in a  howling pose. Click 
HERE to go check out my latest :-)
 I've been busy uploading Michaels other works. Plenty of sweet eye
candy can be had HERE. Its well worth going to check them all out.
 I've been talking with an excellent German painter, Michael Jacobsen.
He has kindly granted me permission to showcase his work here.  He 
has even wrote an article on how he assembled and painted his
"Bridge of Sorrows".  Click HERE to go to his gallery.
 Well, this isn't so much an update to my page, but an announcement about
a long awaited update to someone else's site.  Dominic Heutlebeck has a very
informal painting show at least once a year, in which everyone takes the same
mini and goes at it. He calls it "Vision in Color" and he's up to number 7. This 
time around the mini was a special, very limited run sculpted by Sandra Garrity
and cast up by Reaper miniatures.  So far, this is the most special Vic ever. 
I did enter this one, and my entry can be seen mixed in with all the others on 
Dominic's Vic 7 gallery. So, go HERE and see work done by people from all around
the globe. Leave comments if your so inclined, for people like to know how others
like or perceive their work :-)  Please remember, this is not a contest, but
a show of how one person perceives the same mini.
 You might have noticed, but I've started to take an interest in the Chainmail
Table top skirmish game.  So to share what I've found on the net, I've made 
a Chainmail Fan page.  Just some sites I've found on the net that deal with 
Chainmail. Click HERE to go check it out.
  Since the people that host my site moved their servers over the weekend
I couldn't update this weekend.  I have a Chainmail Ogre Delver all painted 
up and ready for play. Click HERE to see the ax wielding monstrosity
I've also taken pictures of the LE Ogre, Ogre Trooper and the Minotaur
in front of the card that comes with those models, so you can see the studios
version and mine, side by side.  Also, an experiment with painting metallics, with
inks and a couple different metallic paints. The Thalos Hammerer (another 
chainmail miniature) Click HERE to go check out the thumper.
  Well, what do you know, another update!  This time I have a Chainmail 
Crazed Minotaur Cultist done up. Click HERE to go check out the unsettled
bovine.  He looks like a hoot to field against anybody.  Just let him go and
let him do what he does best ;-)
 I've finished another Wolfen, this time a repentant. Click HERE to go check 
out the doberman.  Also, I uploaded some pictures of my Paladin of Stratis
with his 2 little buddies, some Azer Troopers. Click HERE to go see them. 
(be warned tho, these are my gaming minis)
  Another update so soon?  I've added a little tutorial on how to apply static
grass on the bases of your minis.  Click HERE to go check it out.
  I've put up a tutorial on how I paint NMM gold.  I tried taking in progress 
pictures when I was painting the Red Lioness.  Not a great tutorial, but at 
least something. Click HERE to go check it out.  I do have plans in the works
to make a much better tutorial, one that covers painting armor.
 NEW Pictures of the Solitare Wolfen are up!
 NEW Pictures of the Wolfen Guardian of the Burial are up!
 Besides throwing some paint on a bloodthirster, and finishing up my Visions in 
Color piece (check Dominics site for more information) I could go on about the 
ViC, but suffice to say, no pictures of that piece until after the 19th, at the 
earliest.  But, I've been working on a Repentant Wolfen just because I haven't
worked on one for quite some time.  Those that know me, know I love the 
Wolfen miniatures. I have a box full of them.
  I'm trying to get a guestbook to work here, so far, this is all I've able to do.
Click HERE to go see it in its infancy. It opens in a new window, for that is the 
only way I can get it to work decently.
  Just for complete silliness, I took this photo, and added some text. I think some
guys out there might be able to relate to it.  It contains painted minis, so it still
fits the jist of my site :-)
  Just for fun, and an experiment with a new color, I painted a She-Ogre for the
Chainmail table top skirmish game.  Nothing too over the top, but a fun mini, that
I think came out looking quite good.  Click HERE to go check it out.  A completely
different mini than the Red Lioness I just completed.
 I've uploaded finished pictures of the Red Lioness. I'm pretty happy with how she
came out. This model has a huge amount of detail on it (the filigree) which required
a steady hand when I went to highlight it.
 ALSO, I've uploaded a shield, that I tried some free hand on. Not the best I've seen
out on the web, but pretty good for me, as my friends will attest.
  Just a picture of my WIP (work in progress) of the Red Lioness. This model has
a lot of fine detail on it.  The face is extremely well done, but all that filigree on 
the armor can be taxing.  I hope I do this model justice when I'm finished with it.
 The other day, I ran across this site, Qiao-Zhong's Dungeon. If you click on the 
Metal Minatures link, you'll find some very well painted minis (especially his Slaanesh
Warriors, done in the old style of the early 90's)  Very well worth the time to browse
his work, even if his site is in Japanese( there is a few things in English, that helps 
you to browse his site).  I found that a small price to pay to see someone's work
from the other side of the world.  If you like his work, drop him a line and tell him
so. His written English is quite good and I bet he would be happy to hear from 
a minipainter enthusiast. 

I've been playing around with my Mordheim Warband as a diversion between the red 
lioness and Bloodthirster.  This time I painted a Reaper Battle Nun as a Hero. I don't
have pictures up of the rest of my warband, but I'll post them sometime in the future.

Well, I've been working on a Bloodthirster, and its going to be awhile before I can
finish that thing, and I have Red Lioness primed and waiting..but in the meantime 
I took some pictures of my friend's, Adam, 1000 point Nurgle Army. Every piece has 
been converted somehow.  I had to take these pictures under less than pristine 
conditions, so please excuse their quality. Click HERE to go directly to his gallery.
It is also linked off the Gallery link to the left.

What? 2 updates in one day? tell me it isn't so! ;-)
I've taken some pics of my Boris conversion.  He came out looking like a Demon Hunter.
Click HERE to go check him out.  He was a fun little experiment.

I'm really liking how my little Boris Mingla conversion is coming out.  His face is an excellant
sculpt. Click HERE to check 'im out.  Once I've finished him (should be shortly, as I only 
really have the shield left to do.) I'm going to be working on the Red Lioness box set for
Chris, and my Games Day entry. Both projects will take some time, but hopefully I'll have 
pictures of the Lioness as she progresses to show off to the world.

I've been working with a game development group for a new table top skirmish game. 
Currently called 'Warlocke, Rise of the Young Kingdoms"  being put together by 
Knight Terror Games.  Bobby Jackson has been sculpting some of the figures, and
HERE is some of the foot troops (read=Fodder) for the Highlander faction (the evil guys)
Hit the contact button to the left to tell me what you think of them, thanks!

Also, since I went a bit camera happy tonight (all my stuff is packed up for the painting
seminar tomorrow, can't paint..) HERE is a picture of a future piece.  Its a slight
conversion of Boris Mingla, Evil Warlord from Reaperminis.  I took his sword off his left hand, 
and replaced it with a shield from GW bitz (I think its the Orc Warlord shield)  Anyways, 
inbetween commissions, this is what I'll be picking at (well, this and a gift for my niece :-)

Reaper Ron, from ReaperMinis sent me a couple pictures of some of the new releases for their
Warlord Line. A Barbarian and a Minotaur but instead of primed minis, these are actually 
painted!  Reaper Ron has given me permission to share these as I see fit, so here I am
spreading the news! :-)  I'm pretty excited about this new mini line, as they seem to be
more over the top in the details and expressions.  Also, they are going to be coming out
on textured, metal slottabases.  To see more of their most excellent stuff, go to the 
Reaper website , and to order their newest catalog.  Or just pester your local store to
carry their lines. :-)
images found on this page and others on my site are the property of Craig Stocks and/or
the author/creator of said work. Please do not copy or reproduce without express written 
permission.  We're nice guys, we don't bite, just ask ;-)