Chainmail Ogre Delver
A big bad beastie for the Chainmail skirmish game.
I didn't care for the yellow skin that the studio painted 
him in, so I went in another direction.  The base color is
Vallejo leather brown, lightened with Vallejo Buff.
The leather came out nicely, since it was a simple
color combo.  Vallejo Mahogany Brown with Vallejo Cork
as a highlight. The cloth was painted with Vallejo
black grey, lightened with Vallejo yellow ochre.
The flesh gave me some problems, since there wasn't a nice
flow to it to follow, and there is a miscast along his left
thigh.  This model is a little shiney, as it has my multi-layer
gamers coat of Krylon Matte Varnish on it.  The biggest
downer about this model, is when I was running the pin drill
into the hands, it slipped out and stabbed my thumb. Ouch.

For more pictures of this beast, click on the links below, and use your
browsers back button to return here.

from the back
from the front
from the side
in front of the card