Adam Pratts Nurgle infested 1000 point army


Nurgle Lord Conversion.  Adam says the current owner of the armor stole 
                                from another. But, he didn't let the other guy go...

Squad number 1 leader guy.

 Squad number 2 leader. Freddy Kruger wannabe?

The fodder, err backbone, err deadly troops

 One of the nurgle infested rhinos

Want some heavy armor? nurgle rotted Predator

Adam says, this army is almost 1000 points.  1 lord, 2 squads, 2 rhinos and the predator.
not a whole lot of models, but everyone converted somehow.  I wish I was able to bring 
these home to photograph under my lights, but this is also a store army. So, I had to 
photograph them in store, with only the available overhead lights.

These images are not to be used without express consent of the owner of the models, Adam Pratt.  If you want
to use them on a personal site, then please contact  (or , and I'll call him up)