Beastmen with Champion
Miniatures from Reaperminis Warlord line, sculpted by Werner Klocke.

Just a couple simple paint jobs.  The champion I started painting at my local store's
paint day. Lighting was kinda poor (well, compared to my usual light setup..)  I finished him
up at home.  The one on the left was an experiment with using Vallejo transparent paints 
to create the green flesh (I used blue and yellow over light grey)
 with some GW rotting flesh thinned 
to help with the highlights.  The one on the right was another experiment, trying
a new paint recipe. I used Vallejo black grey lightened with Vallejo yellow ochre over
black primer.  Before I sealed him, he looked quite good. I think this color combo
will look great on a demon, or some other twisted mini.
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permission.  We're nice guys, we don't bite, just ask ;-)