Michael Jacobsen's Gallery

Michael has given me permission to show off his work on my 
little web page.  His work is very natural looking, and unique.
He will pepper his work with conversions and very precise 
and clean work.
 If you would like to contact the artist, drop me a 
and I'll forward your message onto him.
 He would love to hear from you.

Also, some links he recommends.
Hudson & Allen buildings etc., Thunderbolt Mountain Miniatures (coming soon)
A company based in Italy producing resin buildings, bases, dungeons. A must to have a look.
"Bridge of Sorrows" One big picture of his Thunderbolt miniature collection (use your browsers back button to return here) The rare and elusive Grenadier war giant. To me it looks like a fair bit of converting went into this model. oh, its 'UGE!!
A ral partha diorama 

 Barbarians fighting the good fight. Titled "The blood of Tor"

I see pretty shiny things on the other side of the door...
Titled "Deaths Door"

Just a simple job you said! No critters going to eat use you said!!
Titled "Idol Theft"

Wizard conjuring up a demon. 
Titled "Gate Crasher"

A swan ship. Very nice.

Knight saving girl, a classic

Good vs Evil
titled "Hero Anti Hero"

Gandalf and Bilbo?

A whole bunch of Dwarven Kings, but don't worry,
 they don't take up a whole lot of room ;-)

Kemmler´s Workbench 
     Golden Demon Slayer Sword Golden Demon Germany 1999
Amazing. utterly Amazing.

Flying Ship
     Winner: Open Category Golden Demon UK 1997
Can we say detail?