Visions in Color 7
This model was specially created just for Dominics Vision in Color 7.
You can see my entry mixed in with many many other excellent 
entries on Dominics site.

(this is the same thing I wrote on Dominics site) Its a great looking model, sculpted by the fine hands Sandra Garrity. I normally don't paint her stuff, since I have a difficult time around her smaller models. But since this one was made a bit bigger, I thought it would be easier. I still had some stumbling blocks, like the straps for her corset on her sides. For this model, I thought I would actually try to make a base of some sort for it. I normally don't do bases past some sand and grass on the base, but this time I tried some new ideas. I used a base from Reaper, added a bit from a RAFM blister I've had for awhile, threw in some sand and added some plastic heads and arm from the GW zombie regiment box. I wanted her to be the focal point of this piece, so she was painted in color, and the background and base was painted in black and white. The idea is she's coming out of a black and white B horror movie. Saying "See ya!" to the bad production number she's leaving behind ;-) For paints, I used mostly Reaper paints (in honor of the company that cast the model), with some Vallejos and Citadel thrown in for the colors I didn't have in the Reaper line. Some people might notice, this model has the elusive set of wrist straps on her overcoat ;-) Well, I'm out of things to say except;

I would like to thank Dominic for having the 'Vision' and the group that went about designing the ViC, for Reaper for commissioning the artwork, and casting this wonderfull model, and for Sandra Garrity for sculpting such a nice piece.