Stuff for sale

Welcome to my bare bones for sale page.  Nothing fancy here.

Crom the conquerer  $55.00

Warzone armies (cybertronic brotherhood, lots of evil side stuff, can't remember the name but thats the side I
played), rulebooks, templates.  All painted to a good table top standard.  Metal price is probably way up there
but I'm willing to let it all go for $200.00 plus about 15-20 for shipping.  Its not light!  If you would like
an idea of whats in it all, just ask.   

And if your interested in my wolfen (the ones I own, not painted for another)
Onyx, Guardian of Burial, 3 hunters, Wolfen with chain, Repentant, Crossbow
make me an offer I can't refuse.

Mira the reckless conversion.  $120

6 painted OOP GW dark elf dark witches $70 (table top quality)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.  

All prices are in US Funds.  I accept paypal, money order, bank check, post office money order
 or a personal check from people I know, or with an ebay rating of 20 or higher and I 
even accept cash, but I wouldn't recommend sending that through the mail.  I cannot accept 
responsibility for what the post office does with the mail.