Another Wolfen Hunter. Not a pose you would expect from a piece
used in a game, but a very cool pose!  

To see more pictures of the howler, click on any of the links below
and use your browsers back button to return here.

From the front, slightly left
Direct left
Left rear
Directly behind
Direct right
From the front and to the right
And, from the Top

I started this one with black primer.  I've been trying to copy a color that my bud,
Jarrett did on his Ork Warlords weapon sheath. A base of Vallejo leather brown
mixed with GW bone to lighten it (I used Coat d'Arms bone).  I still couldn't quite
get the look he did, but I am quite happy with what I was able to pull of. For the
base, I added some other size rocks and dirt, to make it look a bit rougher than 
my usual.  The blade was painted with Coat d'Arms dark grey originally, but as 
I was going through the highlights, it didn't look right. So, I coated the entire
blade with Vallejo Smoke and then I took out GW codex grey and
 lightened it with GW rotten flesh. That worked much better.
The cloth I painted purple, used a lighter purple for highlights
 then used some yellow ink on it to try to work some shadows in.
I had to play around with the ink so it wouldn't settle too thick in
the recesses tho.  Thanks to CJ Cummings for mentioning on the minipainter
group that complimentary colors can be used with inks to work in
shadows.  The leather was painted with Vallejo burnt umber, highlighted with
Vallejo cork, then lightly brown inked, rehighlighted then inked again.

Well, if anyone has questions about this piece , just give me a holler and 
I'll try to answer them as quickly as possible.