Boris the Black
Miniature from Reaperminis, sculpted by Werner Klocke.

 Since I wanted to expand my limited knowledge of freehand work, I took a stab at it. 
 This time, I've been painting a fine mini, sculpted by Werner Klocke, 
and put out by Reaperminis,
 one Boris the Black, of the Black Gauntlet (#2463) . 
 I've had this model in my horde for many months, and I finally got around to painting him up.

I tried to keep with a simple theme with him. Evil, nasty, and probaly having split a fair amount of blood in his time. So, basic colors are red and brown, with some bone thrown in. His cloak was painted using Vallejo black red, thinned quite a bit, and basicly a couple layers put on. I didn't want to spend hours blending his cloak, because I knew I was going to cover most of it with my freehand attempt. I dirtied the hem of the cloak with some burnt umber, thinned quite a bit. For the art I put on it, I went through my old magic cards (yes, i keep them for the artwork nowadays, never know when i'll use it!) and I found an old Frozen Shade that I thought would look cool (and kinda easy to copy) on his cloak. I did have 3 other choices, but the shade won out due to simplicity. I used my pigma micron pen to outline the shade, then basicly just filled it in, like a paint by numbers canvas ;-) colors were kept simple, black, dark grey, medium grey, silvergrey, red for his eyes, and a blue I can't remember the exact name of.
His clothes (what you can see anyhow) I wanted to look like a butchers apron.
The metallics where done, using real metallics. base black, tin bitz, vallejo natural steel, brown ink, black ink, and since he is a butcher type (evil guy with axe, you tell me he ain't a butcher) I used red ink on the armor and along the axe blade. kinda like he's chopped up so many victims, his armor won't come completely clean anymore.
the flesh was painted using vallejo dark flesh, washed with the older GW flesh ink, then the dark flesh with white add for successive highlights. the cheeks and lips are painted using vallejo brown rose (thanks deane for that suggestion!)

all in all, i am quite happy with the model, but it still looks rough in places (when i get nitpicky with it) After a couple suggestions from the minipainter yahoo!group I cleaned up a couple parts, and then reshot the mini.
Current score on coolminiornot
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