Tsuko,Male Monk
Another fine mini from Reaper miniatures, sculpted by Jim Johnson.
This is the first mini I've painted without using inks or washes for the flesh.
I wanted to try a cleaner look to the flesh, so I put my flesh washes to the
side for a little experiment. I based his flesh with Vallejo Mahagony brown
then used Vallejo dark flesh thinned down more than I usually go (for an idea,
it was like water thin) and I put some base coats on, slowly building up
a base flesh color. I then used white to lighten the dark flesh and worked
on making muscle definitions. The red sash was done with Vallejo burnt cadmium
red, plain old regular red, vermillion, and some yellow. The golds where done
with Vallejo old gold washed over with chestnut ink. The staff parts was
painted using Vallejo woodgrain and thinned down chestnut ink and one other
color I cannot remember at this time. If I recall correctly, the pants where
based with Vallejo green ochre and lightened with Vallejo buff. The metal
bits where painted with Vallejo oily steel, washed over with brown and black
inks, then gone back over with oily steel and highlighted with silver.
images found on this page and others on my site are the property of Craig Stocks and/or
the author/creator of said work. Please do not copy or reproduce without express written
permission. We're nice guys, we don't bite, just ask ;-)