This is an old Ral Partha Storm Giant figure. I've had this model for many years, and have finally 
given it a repaint and a bigger base.  For its time, it is a very detailed figure.  I was hoping 
to give it a quality paint job, whilst experimenting flesh tones.  I used Vallejo Dark Flesh 
(a must have paint) as a base, then using the old GW flesh wash thinned 3:1 building up
 shadows using many coats. Patience is a must since you have to wait for the wash to 
completely dry before applying the next coat. Then, since this is an experiment, I took out the
 Reaper Flesh ink, thinned it down, and put it into the deeper recesses. I used this because
 its a darker color, and thought it would make better shadows.  For his clothes, I used 
Vallejo's goldenbrown (another must have color) thinned it down a lot, and applied
the paint in the same manner as the flesh wash.  I then used Coat d'Arms
Linen (another must have) for the highlights.