Onyx the Grinder, from rackham. Just a few pics on how this beast got some paint on him.I painted him with a green tinge to his skin. currently, it has a covering of field grey (coat d'arms color) that looks like olive drab. I've washed the mini with some reaper flesh ink.
as you can see, the model is looking a bit better. I've been working on the skin tones and muscle striations, fur, his sword sheath and some other assorted bits. His arm bands have only been brown inked for now.
I've been working on the swords, most noticeably, the sheath. This is my first attempt at painting gold without using metallic paints. paints used were..snakebite leather, washed with flesh wash, leporous brown, golden yellow, sunshine yellow, then white mixed into the sunshine, so it looked like lemon chiffon, then a final highlight of white. All the paints were thinned down quite a bit, so they had consistency of milk, or cream. The model is still glossy in spots from the reaper flesh wash, but the sword has been hit with testors dullcote.