For a quick overview on how I painted Onyx, click here
Well, here he is, Onyx le Rodeur, or in english, Onyx the Grinder. When I saw this miniature, I knew I must own it one day. He was partially difficult to obtain, but starplayer of Paris managed to get a few in stock, and I ordered 2! I've been waiting many months to paint him (had prior commitments) and here is my attempt at this beast. Isn't he lovely? :-)![]()
Strange, but the red on the sheath has a bit more depth to it than what this picture shows. I'll try a 5th attempt at getting clear pictures soon. Also, this is my first attempt at using non-metallic paints to paint gold. I am really happy with the results. My thanks to Ramon, Dragonpaint, and others on the minipainter list for sharing their knowledge. Current score of this mini on Coolminiornot