Chaos Chosen One
A fair sized conversion piece I did for a Chaos warband.
Since I'm not a really big converter, this model was a large step for me.
I needed a Chosen of Chaos for my Chaos Warband, and this is the result of
my digging through my various bitz boxes and blisters of stuff. I needed a
larger body (since he's supposed to be big and nasty) and I settled on the
old Bloodletter Champion. For his head, I wanted a full face helmet, so I
picked out a chaos helmeted head I picked up at GDUS, his left arm is the
tentacle from the new spawn of chaos, and his right is a orc warboss, and
the axe is from a different orc warboss arm. The big shield is from the
Chaos lord on demonic steed, and a marauder shield (I liked it because it
has a face stretched across it) I added some greenstuff on his right hand
for some hair (and to hide the gouge from taking off the sword) some GS to
meld the tentacle to the body and GS for a big thick neck. Also, I had
found a shoulder pad a long time ago, and I ground it out so it would fit on
his right arm, where it has a banner for a name, which reads 'redrum' For
those of us that have the Hordes of Chaos army book, this model probaly
looks quite familiar. After picking out various parts, I thought he looked
like something I saw before, and leafing through the book, I found
'Hargroth' on page 84. So, I used him as a rough guide in putting
together RedRum.
The reds were painted using Vallejos Burnt cadmium red, wash of brown ink
(probaly a mistake doing that) burnt cadmium red again, red and vermillion.
The golds are GW old, oop more silver gold (sorry, can't remember its name
off hand.)
The base rock is a ball of green stuff, mashed out, with some sand glued
along the edge.
Things I am really happy with
the skin. I love the way it came out, and the way it came about.
the big shield. it looks beat, but still quite functional
the axe blade. worn, but sharp!
images found on this page and others on my site are the property of Craig Stocks and/or
the author/creator of said work. Please do not copy or reproduce without express written
permission. We're nice guys, we don't bite, just ask ;-)