This is the Red Lioness for the Confrontation table top skirmish game.
This is just one part of the box set I'm painting up for a commission
There is also a mounted version I will be painting up in the very
near future.  I've nicked named this model Ms. Filigree. The detail
on this figure is very fine, and the filigree is all over her armor..

To see various views of her, just click one of the links below, and 
use your browser back button to return here.

front and to the right
front and to the left
The back
left and to the rear
right and to the rear

and for some in progress pictures
this was taken after the 3rd ink over on the armor
This was taken before I started working on the filigree
but after I did the flesh work
Current score of this mini on Coolminiornot