Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2002 06:53:47 -0000
From: "Jakob Rune Nielsen" <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Tips on painting Gold?

--- In mini-painter@y..., "Jarrett Lee" <jarrettl@s...> wrote:
"I find Gold to be the hardest color to paint lately ... Any tips?"

Hi Jarrett,

I also paint my gold with metallics.
- And I use Citadel paints.

I start with a basecoat of shining gold. Afterwards the area is
shaded with inks - either brown or purple (purple if you want your
shading to be really deep and with lots of contrast). Hereafter I
rehighlight with shining gold and and then mix shining gold with
Mithrill silver for the next highlight. Final highlights are added
with pure silver.

Then I start glazing the area down with various orange/yellow/brown/
green/etcetera inks mixed with a lot of water and a drop of washing
up liquid. Remember that the glaze needs to be really thin with only
a tiny amount of colour in it. I apply multiply glazes until I am
happy with the result and I might touch up the final highlights
during the process.

For those unfamiliar with the glazing technique it works like thin
transparent layers added ontop of an area which has already been
finished with shading and highlights. The glaze slightly chances the
hue of the underlying colour depending on the colour you glaze the
area with. In most cases glazing is used to enrich the underlying
colour, but it might also help to smoothen the transition between
the highlights. Great technique.

Hope that helps.

Best Regards,
Jakob Rune Nielsen